Behaviour Related

Page 3 of 7, 67 articles found. Displaying: 21-30
By nature, cats are solitary, living alone, hunting alone, eating alone; this is slowly changing as the number of cats is increasing... more

Getting two puppies at the same time, and the problems this can create, has been discussed at length by animal behaviourists. more

Double Trouble

19th Apr, 2021
The subject of not getting two puppies at the same time comes up often and can be a contentious one. more

The Honeymoon Period

23rd Feb, 2021
The first few weeks with a new dog are crucial weeks. more

I speak to dead animals. Okay, I know that sounds bizarre, but I really do. more

I have a 10-month-old male terrier who, up until approximately four months ago, was a calm, placid boy. more


25th Aug, 2020
Perhaps the only sentient beings that appreciated the disruption caused by the lockdown are our dogs. more

Animal Reiki

23rd Jun, 2020
I’ve been watching my cat Kevin for a while. He just doesn’t have the same swagger as before and is more clingy than usual. more

Adding a new feline family member to your home is so exciting. more

58.8% of dog owners are currently using CBD products on their dog, according to a 2016 report published in the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (JAHVMA). more

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