Behaviour Related

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Cat lovers know that there’s nothing as relaxing as having a feline friend by your side, softly purring away. But did you know that it’s actually good for your health too? more

Nail-biting stuff

31st Jul, 2017
Dogs need their nails trimmed on a regular basis. As with our own nails, left too long, they can break or even curl into the dog’s pads (or with dew claws, into the leg.) Over-long nails can also affect the gait, causing an imbalance that can affect the skeletal structure and cause health problems. more

Submissive urination

11th Apr, 2017
Submissive and excited urination are an involuntary loss of bladder control caused by various environmental triggers. While puppies under the age of 12 weeks have limited bladder muscle development and may lose control, this usually stops as the puppy develops. If it doesn’t, there could be more to the situation… more

Every pet lover knows that at some stage it is likely that this deep and wonderful bond will be challenged by the unimaginable sense of loss. We express our love by doing the very best we can for our pets. Letting go, for whatever reason, is a part of that love. more

As humans, we are familiar with the concepts of anxiety and stress. They are related, but somewhat different in their origins and treatment. Anxiety is generally seen as an unpleasant emotional state, including feelings of uneasiness, apprehension, and distress. Stress, on the other hand, is caused by specific external circumstances such as problems at work, family and financial conditions. How we deal with stress varies with the intensity of our reaction to stressful incidents and our innate or learned coping skills. more

Dogs and cats use marking as a way of communicating with other animals – when they pee or defecate, pheromones are released that are their ‘profile’ in animal terms. It’s natural, but of course when it happens in the house, it is a behaviour we want to change! more

Puppies are adorable. Puppies are bouncy. Puppies are love and joy personified. Indeed, puppies are many wonderful things – but one thing they usually are not is predictable, especially in what size they’ll be when they’re grown up, particularly if they’re mixed breeds. more

Deaf but not dumb

31st Jul, 2016
The myth that deaf dogs can’t learn, or are more aggressive than other dogs is simply not true. While they may require more patience with training, and have a few limitations that require management, the bond they form with their owner is often strongly developed and they can lead happy and fulfilled lives. Some dogs are born deaf, others may have compromised hearing and some lose their hearing with more

“We recently adopted a lovely dog of about two years old. When we brought Trixie back from the kennels, she was terrified... more

Please could you help me? My rescue Staffordshire Terrier-mix dog, Sandy, is a year old. He is warm and loving around the home (except for the vacuum cleaner, which he attacks). more

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