Boo Boo

24th Jul, 2024

Written by Sabatina Caporicci

Professional photography by Roxanne Wilkins Photography

The first day we met Boo was on the 28th of May 2024 – and I fell in love with him straight away! I knew he was The One. He’s so loving and just wants affection the whole day. We got him on the 1st of June and he became my baby.

Unfortunately, only a few days later, on the 10th of June, he went missing. My heart was absolutely broken, and both my mother and grandma were so sad and devastated. We did everything to try and find him, every day and night. He was only five months old and I was scared for him.

We went to all the neighbours, knocking on doors, printing flyers, posting on all social media, calling vets, and leaving his food and toys outside. I searched for him every single morning, afternoon and night – you name it; I wasn’t giving up.

But Boo Boo didn’t return.

I then contacted an animal communicator, Aly, at Endless Pawsiblities Animal Communications, on the 14th of June 2024. I told her what had happened and that we’d just got him, that he was still a kitten and wasn’t used to the outside world. We began our session that evening at around 6pm. Before our session started, I asked my gran and mom if we could all say a prayer together for our Boo Boo’s safe return home.

Apparently, Boo Boo was very near to home (150m-200m) – Aly tracked him a few roads down. I then tracked the given area and spent an hour calling for him, going into the bushes with my torch, but sadly I didn’t find him. I returned home heart-broken, praying that Boo Boo would return and that he was safe and not hurt. I then spread his litter in the road in order to lead him home.

A few minutes later, at 20h00, I heard a knock on the door and there was our baby, Boo Boo! Can you believe it? I was so shocked and over the moon! I couldn’t believe my eyes. He’d run into the gentleman’s property where he had two dogs! The kind gentleman then bought him to us. Boo Boo was so brave (and lucky).

Boo Boo was fine – just very dirty and hungry but otherwise okay. I thank God for returning our baby home to us. God is GOOD!

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