
21st Aug, 2024

Written by Tracy-Lee Lurie and posted to Facebook by Tessa Boyd – both Committee Members and passionate Volunteers, EL Pet Pals

Professional photography by Shendl Rewitzky of Bark & Beyond  

A dog continues to trust long after he has been betrayed...

When we were confronted with the pitiful sight of this brutalised being, it quite literally broke our hearts. With appalling raw burn wounds seeping over much of his back, this brave and accepting boy gave us his trust.

After many, many months of medical care, our darling Ranger became the official One-dog Welcoming Committee to all anxious new orphans. Ranger comforted the frail and timid puppies and nurtured the weak and the frightened newcomers. To young and old, he was a large and loving protector despite the appalling suffering he had so silently endured.

We had never entertained the thought that one day, someone would overlook the imperfect body and atrocious scarring and see his remarkably kind and beautiful spirit. As it happened, that magical day came just a few weeks ago!

We are truly at a loss for the appropriate words to show our profound gratitude to Jacqui and Daniel Potgieter. Ranger’s devoted new family has provided him with the abundant love and attentive care he so richly deserves.

Our sincere appreciation to Jacqui, Daniel, and family is infinite! May Rangers' heart-warming adoption inspire more wonderful families to welcome one of our many patient and hopeful adult dogs into their lives.

Only together can we ensure that kindness triumphs over cruelty.

Jacqui and Daniel, Ranger’s new owners, share...

Ranger is the epitome of both why we love dogs and why some people are not deserving of them. After approaching us with a demeanour of benevolent curiosity, a nervous tail wag, and a curious sniff test, we immediately realised that this sweet soul only has the capacity for love. Unbelievable, considering his abhorrent early experience with humans, having had boiling oil thrown on him while he was still only a pup of roughly 6 months. It’s true - his scarred pelt is, at first, rather alarming, but once we had heard his story and took the time to get to know him, we found that he is the most beautiful of doggy souls. He was coming home with us, no two ways about it!

It took a mere few days with Ranger’s new pack in Nahoon before the approximately 2-year-old boy’s confidence had grown in leaps and bounds. His playful instinct, natural obedience, and disciplined invaluable role in the family came so naturally as though it were lying dormant his whole life.

He is thriving in the security of routine, with a large soft bed in each room of the house (as well as outside), and has settled in alongside three initially not-so-impressed, spoilt cats. We like to remind our feline brats to be grateful that they didn’t acquire the same degree of inhumane trauma before landing with their bums in the butter. Do you think they could care less? Typical cats…but even they can’t help themselves and are starting to come around to Ranger’s charm.

Our first human child is due in January next year, and we can’t wait to see the gentle and caring role Ranger will instinctively fill as a big brother.

Ranger makes it obvious to us that we and this place are his home. Considering the heart-wrenching cruelty this beautiful creature has endured, it just proves why a dog’s love is unparalleled.

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