The Three Musketeers

17th Jul, 2024

Written by Yvonne Jansen

Professional photography by FidoPhoto – Dog Photography 

In February 2019 I was having lunch with my sister and her daughter when I glanced at my phone and saw a WhatsApp on the neighbourhood group: “3 donkeys looking for a home.”

I reacted: “Oh no, why do I read these posts?” But my family immediately said, “Do it!” I have horses and had no idea about donkeys, but I’m definitely fond of them and have worked in countries where donkeys are horribly treated – the real beasts of burden. I thought, finally, I can do something for them.

Later that afternoon I phoned the number on the post. The rescue founders came for a home check and were pleased and relieved to see that the three donkeys would have a good life, lots of space, and sleep in stables at night. They told me their story:

The Three Musketeers, as I called them, together with many others, had been going for slaughter for their skin. After being rescued, they were so traumatised that it took time to rehabilitate them. Shiloh got his name because he was so shy, but after some months he came out of his shell.

When they came to the shelter, the three of them bonded immediately – and when donkeys are bonded, you can’t separate them. That’s why they were looking for a home that would adopt all three together. They wanted to keep them all, but as they did outreach programmes for donkeys in rural areas and were often away, they couldn’t keep them.

They’re always together. Chester is the most playful and loves fly masks as toys. He gets them off Cricket’s or Shiloh’s head and runs around with them in his mouth. I lost count of how many fly masks I bought. Cricket and Shiloh love playing together, and when they start, Chester joins in. Chester is still smaller than his brothers and has upright front feet, so he requires a pedicure every six weeks.

In the evening, before bed, they get carrots and apples. They’re crazy about carrots, not to mention the delicious coconut-vanilla cookies. They’re so clever: Shiloh opens the stable door, and in the morning when they get their spa treatment, Chester puts his head on his brothers’ backs because he wants to be brushed all the time.

They’re so funny, affectionate and smart. It’s a delight to have them around.

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