Snoekie’s happy ending

15th Jan, 2025

Written by Harties Feral Cat Rescue Vice-Chair: Daleen Kotze-Chibesa

Professional photography by Tania Cholwich Photography  

At Harties Feral Cat Rescue, we come across many touching stories, but Snoekie’s journey truly stands out.

Once an indoor cat, Snoekie found himself living at the Dam Doryn colony after his beloved owner passed away. Adjusting to life among ferals was a challenge for this affectionate boy, and it was clear he longed for the love and comfort of a home.

Fate intervened one night in September when Snoekie accidentally wandered into a trap we’d set for a sick feral cat. Surprisingly, he refused to leave, following us around as if to say, “It’s my turn now.” His desperation for human companionship broke our hearts, and we knew we had to help.

That’s when Teresa Slacke entered the picture. A dedicated animal lover with a soft spot for rescues, Teresa had been searching for a companion for Twinkles, her cat adopted from the SPCA. Twinkles had grown lonely after the loss of Teresa’s two dogs, and Snoekie seemed like the perfect fit.

It was a match made in heaven. Snoekie quickly settled into his new home, where he now enjoys the love and attention he’s always craved. In fact, he’s so comfortable that he even sleeps under the covers with his new mom!

Snoekie’s story reminds us of the power of second chances and the joy that comes from finding the perfect home for a rescue.

Teresa Slacke, Snoekie’s owner, shares...

Snoekie snuck into our lives in his own special way. I officially adopted him from the Harties Feral Cat rescue on the 8th of September 2024. He came to us through the intervention of several “Fur Baby Fairies”. One of them is Cath, who partners with me by feeding the ferals in Randpark Ridge.

This is Cath’s story: “After seeing a Facebook post on the Olivedale Library ferals, which they’d reshared from Harties Feral Cat Rescue, I saw Snoekie. My friend Teresa had expressed an interest in adopting a feral and immediately shared the post with her, knowing this would be the kitty she’d get to take home. Not once did I worry that it wouldn’t work, as I knew they were perfect for each other. Snoekie was the missing puzzle to her home. My husband and I went to meet Snoekie at Teresa’s house and met this gentle, soft boy. They needed each other, and through God’s grace, Snoekie has a place that he can settle in for the rest of his life!”

I wanted a male feral for my lonely 13-year-old Twinkles, who’d lost both her elderly dog friends to old age and cancer. I couldn’t leave Twinkles on her own when I went out because I noticed she felt terribly insecure without the dogs to protect her.

That’s when Snoekie – in his lengthy size of 70cm – arrived. He was housed in Twinkles’ room, and Twinkles moved into the main bedroom. When the time came to introduce them, Snoekie followed Twinkles around 24/7, mewing the entire time. Twinkles wasn’t impressed. Once, Twinkles was sleeping in her favourite spot – on her pillow on my lap – and Snoekie snuck in behind her and snuggled up. Twinkles only realised what was going on when she woke up. She immediately hissed at Snoekies and left the comfort of her pillow.

Long, happy story short: Snoekie and Twinkles are becoming friends. They chase each other in the mornings, and when Twinkles naps, Snoekie is out in the garden chasing Hadedas and Dassies. Snoekie is so playful and even finds time to get me to chase him. When he’s ravenous, which is most of the time, he wakes me up early in the morning and opens the kitchen cupboards to get my attention! At night, I call both cats in, and they come running. Twinkles, Snoekie, and I now sleep soundly on the double bed at night in our favourite corners.

Not all has been plain sailing, though. Twinkles has spondylosis, and when she’s not had her meds, she gets a bit ratty with Snoekie. If I stroke Snoekie before her, she’s offended. I’ve had to learn not to give more attention to Snoekie over the needs of Twinkles.

We’re now a happy family, truly awakened by our sadness of losing our doggies. We’re sincerely grateful to everyone who’s now made our family whole again... through the adoption of SNOEKIE!

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