
Angela Brand, with Laurie (adopted from Dogtown SA)

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Hand In Paw

27th Feb, 2017
There’s nothing like an animal’s companionship to lift the spirits. They are non-judgemental, accepting, and their love is unconditional. They can help us immeasurably when we’re ill, be it physically or mentally. That’s why they’re increasingly forming an important part of healing treatment for people of all ages: Animal-assisted Therapy. ...read more

Home Free

30th Jan, 2017
When mild-mannered journalist Clark Kent (aka Superman) dashes into a handy phone booth and we spot that flash of blue and red, we all know a superhero is on his way. But did you know that real superheroes walk among us? What lies beneath their everyday appearance isn’t a cape or costume; it is a heart big and strong enough to save – and love – many. ...read more

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