Sharon’s Foster Furries

6th Sep, 2021

Written and photos supplied by Cheryl Otto, Volunteer

The story of Sharon’s Foster Furries began in 2016 with a ginger cat named Gabriel and the volunteer cat rescue work done by Sharon Petersen.

Gabriel came to Sharon’s Foster Furries as an old, blind, deaf, and very sick cat. Sadly, he died from a stroke a few days after being rescued. However, Gabriel profoundly impacted the people whom he touched and his rescue planted the seed which inspired the incredible voluntary work for which Sharon’s Foster Furries is known today.

A promise made

A promise was made to Gabriel that Sharon’s Foster Furries will, whenever they’re able, be there for destitute cats like him. Thus, on the 15th of May 2018, Cecilia Rosas Fuentes and Sharon Petersen, with the support of a small group of friends, started Sharon’s Foster Furries.

Since then, the Gabriel Fund (set up in memory of Gabriel) has helped many adult cats in need by establishing two Gabriel Homes for FIV+ cats and rehoming more than 679 adult cats and kittens.

All this is thanks to the support of a small group of kind donors, fundraising efforts, the support of Glencairn and Noordhoek veterinary clinics, Feral Cat Project Cape Town, and the most wonderful team of foster moms and dads!

A promise kept

The calling to rescue and rehome cats and kittens brings as much joy as it does sorrow and can sometimes be completely overwhelming. There are, however, many miracles that inspire and uplift, and ensure that the work of Sharon’s Foster Furries continues.

Sharon’s Foster Furries is a small but committed and wonderful group of friends that support their work and who are passionate about animal rescue. Without these amazing people, Sharon’s Foster Furries wouldn’t have been able to achieve what they have. Sharon’s Foster Furries has always been a caring group of friends of similar hearts and mindset who LOVE CATS and want to support Sharon Petersen’s work.

Sharon’s Foster Furries is a registered (NPO 260-746) pro-life cat charity and rescue organisation that rescues, fosters, rehabilitates, and socialises cats and kittens. This includes veterinary care, medicines and food, and parasite prevention (fleas and deworming treatments) for all the cats and kittens that pass through their door. Trapping, neutering, and returning (TNR) feral and stray cats, where possible, is a service that’s also offered by the organisation.

Sharon’s Foster Furries is based in the South Peninsula of Cape Town and works mainly in the Welcome Glen, Fish Hoek, Capri and Noordhoek areas of Cape Town. They will, however, try and assist wherever assistance is needed.

Interested in finding out more about this amazing organisation or volunteering?

Visit their website at and follow them on Facebook at

Wanting to donate?                                            

Bank                                    :                 Standard Bank

Account name                     :                 Sharon’s Foster Furries

Account number                  :                 10143487084

Account type                        :                 Cheque account

Branch code for EFT           :                  051001


Reference 1                          :                 Your name/GF

                           (to contribute to the Gabriel Fund)

Reference 2                          :                 Your name/SFF

                           (to contribute to Sharon’s Foster Furries)

Sharon’s Foster Furries will also gladly take donations of any saleable items which are considered in good condition and will sell these as part of their fundraising efforts. Contact details can be found on the links shown above.

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